Friday 16 March 2012

Colic: how to use gripe water

Few things are more stressful or frustrating for new parents than a baby who cries for extended periods and cannot be comforted. The child's cry may be high-pitched and piercing, its little face red, its fists clenched and its legs drawn up tightly to the stomach, in between fitful kicks.

The crying may go on for as long as four hours, and it often starts at the same time each day, late afternoon or early evening, just when the parents are most tired. The problem may be due to a condition known as colic, and no one is sure just what causes it.

Colic appears in babies who are perfectly healthy. It starts in the second or third week of life and usually disappears by the third month. Certainly, it will be gone by the sixth month. Often the baby will pass gas shortly before or just after finally settling down.

An effective remedy for colic, called Gripe Water, was discovered by William Woodward in England in 1851. It was widely used by English nannies for their charges, and has been a standby for parents of young babies every since.

The original recipe contained 3.6% alcohol, dill oil, sodium bicarbonate, sugar and water. Today, the alcohol and sugar have disappeared and the formula consists of sterile water fortified with a combination of herbs such as dill, peppermint, chamomile, fennel, or ginger. The formulas vary with different manufacturers but all of these herbs have been used for centuries to help calm irritated digestive systems.

Gripe Water may be mixed with formula, spooned into a child's mouth, or inserted into a baby's mouth with an eye-dropper.

The recommended dosage is half a teaspoon for infants two weeks to one month, and one teaspoon for those aged one to six months. Babies older than six months may take two teaspoons full. Gripe Water may be given up to six times in one day.

Some adults find relief for digestive upsets using Gripe Water. The recommended adult dose is two tablespoons full, up to six times daily.

If your baby starts to lose weight, cries for longer than four hours, has a temperature or has blood in its stools. you should notify the doctor. These symptoms are not due to colic and immediate medical attention is necessary.

The main advantages of Gripe Water are that it is composed of natural ingredients and it is unlikely to cause any side effects. It has stood the test of time and is widely available in the baby sections of pharmacies, grocery stores, and department stores without a prescription.

If you are a new parent, or if you will soon be one, include a bottle of Gripe Water with the other essentials your baby requires: diapers, formula, soothers, Gripe Water. Someday soon, when your baby commences its fourth hour of screaming, and nothing you can do will pacify it, this all-natural remedy may save your sanity, or at least prevent you from breaking down and howling along with your child.

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